Friday, July 10, 2009

It’s Important to Read Online Home School Reviews

If you’re deciding to do home school, whether it’s for your high school diploma, your GED or even for college courses, it’s important to read online home school reviews to make sure you’re getting the best education for your money. You may see ads for free home schools or the best home schools but if they don’t get good online home school reviews from people who have actually taken their online classes then you really shouldn’t waste your time. You can find online home school reviews by doing an internet search for that exact phrase and it’s likely you’ll be inundated with sites that have plenty of reviews that you can read through and then decide which home school is for you.

First, let’s start with what you should disregard. When reading online home school reviews, you definitely want to disregard any reviews that sound like they are made by uneducated people who you can tell really didn’t even try to pass the courses. You can tell these reviews by the misspellings, by the way they say the class gave too much homework or they didn’t allow the person time to party on weekends, etc. Instead, focus on the online home school reviews that sound like they were made by people who really tried. Then, you’ll want to look for why these people did or didn’t like the course.

What are you looking for in a home school course? What do you hope to get out of taking the home school course? Do you have any thoughts that would make a great course? Do you have anything you want to especially stay away from? These are the things you should be looking for when reading online home school reviews. Of course, no home school course is going to be perfect but you should be able to find a course you’re willing to take. Remember that you don’t have to settle. You’re paying for the course and this is going to help you out with your future so only decide on a course after finding several positive online home school reviews based on what you’re looking for.

There are so many courses out there that you should be able to find one you like. When you do find one that sounds like a great course, you’ll be able to have confidence in knowing you chose this course because it was the best thing for you and your future.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Get To Know Your Home School Online Teacher

One of the main benefits of getting an education in a traditional classroom setting is that you have the teacher available anytime if you ever need help. Let’s say you are being taught from a lesson plan that you just can’t grasp. You can go to the teacher after school and ask for personal lessons until you get it. This has helped many students succeed when they would have otherwise failed. When you have a home school online teacher, however, you don’t have the benefit of going up to them to ask them for personal help. Or do you? Why can’t you just email the teacher personally and ask for assistance? There are many online home school teachers that accept his type of teaching and they actually recommend it. However, before you take an online class read the online home school reviews to make sure the teachers do accept personal lessons if by chance you don’t get what’s being taught.

When you have a home school online teacher, you need to make sure you get what’s being taught to you. Pay very close attention to what’s being written on screen, pay close attention to the assignments and make sure you know how to complete the home work or any essays or other papers that are due. If you don’t understand, it’s important that you speak up. Some people think that having a home school online teacher is easier because you can work at your own pace and there’s really not any pressure to get your work done because the teacher is so far way. While this may be true to some extent, you need to make sure you are completing all assignments and studying just as you would in a real classroom setting or else you’re not going to get the same education.

Some people don’t have the benefit of learning in a traditional classroom setting. They either already have a full time job or they’re raising kids, they’re taking care of their elderly parents or all of the above. No matter what your situation is, you can still get a great education by having a home school online teacher; you just need to work extra hard and you have to get to know the teacher. You have to be able to ask for special help if you need it. If that means sending emails introducing yourself, then so be it. Some see it as brown nosing but others see it as maximizing their opportunity so that they can be as successful as possible.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Disturbing Smoking Facts for Teens

According to teen smoking statistics, teens who start to smoke will most likely continue the habit into their adult lives. It is also a fact that teens that smoke are much more likely to start to use other types of drugs. Nicotine is a gateway drug and requires more and more of it to produce the same effects as it once did. As such, the teens will often search for another way to achieve the same high more quickly and will turn to other types of drugs. There are other disturbing smoking facts for teens that can help them make the decision to not smoke in the first place, such as the fact that their breath will smell bad, their clothing and hair will smell, and their teeth and fingernails will become yellowed over time.

There are other smoking facts about teens that are disturbing for parents and are an impetus to keep conversations open with their teenagers about smoking and other types of drug usage. Smoking facts for teens show that if a teen starts to smoke, they often so not perform as well in school as other teens their age. They will often choose to become more isolated from other kids in their class and will feel like an outsider rather than part of the school. In addition, smoking facts for teens show that they are less able to perform as well in sports because their lungs are affected by the smoke and are diminished in their capacity to perform.

In other smoking facts for teens, it has been shown that hiding the smoking becomes almost as addictive as the smoking itself. Hiding the smoking becomes like a game to the teenager, feeling like they are 'putting one over' on their parents and teachers. This rebellious behavior will often turn into more serious issues like teens skipping classes or trying illegal drugs, thus increasing the intensity of the game. Although there have been some restrictions placed on tobacco companies so that they are no longer blatantly marketing to teens, there is still the issue that cigarettes are shown to make a person look more mature and wise, something that every teenager is thirsting after at that point in their lives. Unfortunately, even though preventative measures have been taken to stop teens from smoking, teen smoking facts show that the levels are still high and more preventative measures must be taken to reduce the instances of nicotine abuse.